Alex is a traveling circus performer. Kind of. The traveling and the performing may not have anything to do with each other, or the time he got mugged in Glasgow. Even though he’s moved his life a lot, he lends his serene state of mind to the podcast.
Dan: Don’t be so likable, would be my advice.
Alex: I have tried being a dick, it doesn’t work… being up front, it doesn’t work… I’ve basically decided nothing is going to work.
Evan: That’s a shit place to be.
Without a guest this week, we resort to gimmicks, then talk about a harrowing date that we both lived through, together. Then we inexplicably talk about frontiers and failure…it’s live, people.
You’re in for a treat with a different Steve, and it’s almost as tasty as the pie that we munch down on during this talk covering his whirlwind of a new marriage, deep talks with moms, and just how we’re supposed to navigate through this life.
Steve: …and I proposed nine months later.
Dan: Because…it was kind of a shotgun proposal, then?
Erin thought she was just doing another intro. But, you feed someone enough wine and bread, and they’ll stick around to tell you how they’re brain is structured and how it thinks about relationships, depression, and physical intimacy.
Erin: I’m content being single.
Dan: You don’t hear that — often at all. We’re going to probe that…pretty deeply.
Dan’s on a small vacation, so this is an old chat. The kind of chat that exemplifies why a borderless friend is such a good thing to have around…so they can listen to your wild thoughts.
Dan: Sometimes, I wonder, if I have a grasp on reality.
Evan: I think that’s what makes you incredibly sane.